Life is like pizza...
I can't sleep and thats nothing new so I got to thinking about some stuff and I figured I would just go ahead and blog this shiznit and get it out of my system. Here are some random thoughts that have shot through my head in the past hour:
*** Life is like a pizza. We are all made of the same ingredients and go through the same process, but when we are first created we are handled differently by God and that is what makes us unique. For example, the basic ingredients include dough, tomato sauce, and cheese. The dough is your foundation while the tomato sauce is your heart and the cheese is your physical prowess. Some people get alot of dough and stick to their guns on everything; their foundation is solid and your not gonna break them down or shake them up by any means. Some people, on the other hand, are freakin tomatoey (is that a word?) as nuts. We all know that person that might not be sharpest tool in the shed, but holy balls, if you freakin mess with someone they care about they will quite literaly eat your face if given the oppurtunity. The tomatoey people are the most passionate S.O.B's on the planet and they will be the best friends you could ever ask for. Now cheese on the other hand are those people that wake up everyday and redefine what beauty is. Everyone has seen somebody at least once in their life where your first reaction was, "I will love that person everyday for for the rest of their life if God wills it..." and it just made your heart do this wierd thing in your body where you felt like you wanted to just freakin explode and it took everything inside of you not to kick your legs in the air like a wild stallion in an open field. Yea, those are the cheese people.
Now me, personally, I'm like 64% tomato, 32% dough, and roughly 4% cheese - not alot of razzle dazzle in these shoes but mess with someone I care about and I'll go baboon on your candy ass and end your life. And you might be able to sway me one way or another on a subject, but don't come at me with your opinion if you can't a) back it up b) make an intelligent arguement or c) - and c is huge - if your doing it because someone else is. Oh my God, if one more person tells me their opinion on, say, Micheal Vick being quarterback for the Falcons and the only evidence they have to back it up is because their dad told them so, I am going to smash my guitar over their head WWF 8th grade Jeff Jarrett style and Rikishi bomb their face. Now observe what just happened; my 32% dough and 64% tomato just mixed together to cause a fiery tirad.
Anyways, so all the ingredients are the same. We all might be set up a little different , but basically, we are all rocking the same gear. So we go through life learning who we are and what percentage cheese and dough we are made up of until one day we hit the oven. And let me tell you folks, the oven is a complete douche bag. It might be somebody close to you dying or a situation where you feel like you can't win , but it is gonna come, and it is going to blow Johnny Depp style. This is where we become the pizza or, in essence, who we truly are. All of our dough and cheese and tomato sauce is going to cook together under the heat of the situation and when we come out of that oven, we will be completely different than who we were when we went into it. Now techinically, nothing about has changed. We haven't added or taken away anything that makes up our pizza pie but, for the first time, we aren't 3 separate ingredients but rather one delictable treat. This is because it took everything we had, every ounce of dough and tomato and cheese, to pull through the oven and because we had to rely on all three ingredients instead of just our one dominant trait, we become complete.
Some people are going to hit the oven sooner than others and that is to be expected. Some people might be a pizza in rural Wisconsin and not deal with the oven for a while simply because there isn't alot of demand for pizza when you live in Wisconsin. Me? Shoot nikka, I was a pizza in New York City in Times Square on New Year's Eve in 1999. I got thrown in the oven as soon as I got my percentages down and came out ready to roll. Thing is, as a pizza, you are going to get your crap eaten by this world. I repeat, some fat guy is going to take you, sprinkle cheese on you, fold you up, and percieve to eat you like Roseanne after a 40 day fast. The only thing you can do is hold on to who you are and be cotempt with it. As pizza, you can't really fight your destiny, you just have to learn to accept it and find joy in the fact that your a solid pizza and you are making some fat guy incredibly happy. And in the end, when that fat guy has eaten your last slice and you've gone to heaven in his stomach, you can be proud to say that you were a delicious, nutritous, and freakin baller pizza.
*** I have written 22 songs: 13 about God, 7 about girls, 1 about Cole Britt, and 1 about my dad. I have only finished 8 of them.
*** I have never been in a relationship past two weeks yet I have fallen in love 7 times and the ones I have fallen in love with still do not and will never know that I loved them. 3 times I have gotten the "friend" speech", 2 times I have had some friend complications, and 2 times I screwed things up.
*** I think my dad is the baddest man on the planet.
*** I think my Uncle Richie is probably the second baddest man on the planet.
*** The most intimate relationship I might ever have with another person is Cole Britt.
*** Kyle Barfield is going to change the world.
*** I don't know why but I feel like I haven't had a real conversation with my sister in an abusrdly long time. I feel like for some reason I don't want her to deal with my crap (as well as everyone else I know) so I just kind of listen to what she has to say and then I leave. For the record, I love my sister more than anything else on the planet and I wish I told her that more because she deserves that.
*** Tammy Barfield and Blair Sexton are "adopted" sisters.
*** I have no brothers by blood or last name, but according to feeling and compassion, I have a freaking crew of them. Any guy that was in my graduating class I would gladly, no lie, take a hot bullet to the face for, 50 cent style.
*** James Liipfert saved my life in 8th grade and has continued to do so ever since.
*** WTF am I going to do with an English major...
*** I would love to throw nerve gas into one of the buses on MTV's NEXT.
*** The Goddard brothers should form a boy band.
*** I missed out on about 30 minutes of my senior prom because I hid in the bathroom thinking that everyone was going to make me dance to "Bye Bye Bye".
*** My dog Bella is sssooooooooooooooo old.
*** I think I was a complete homosexual loser my 7th grade year at Feagin Mill.
*** I am pissed that I just met Ben Erwin my last two years of college. That joker is so baller.
*** I wish that I saw Terry Mosteller, Don Walker, and Meyur Vashi more.
*** I wonder if Mike is still the physical trainer at Westfield; man he was such a dick sometimes.
*** I wonder if Teresa Bruce's son is a track star yet.
*** Time is gay. It lets you have the best time of your life but then you can only think back on them because time is a dick and it won't let you go back.
*** When did Saturday Night Live start to suck enormous balls?
*** I wonder if Eddie will make a note referring to this note as the longest note ever.
*** The most annoyed that I have ever been was when Cole Britt dated Morgan Irby and she used to call him at 4:30 AM and ask him what he was doing. WTF Morgan, what do you think he was doing? Shaving? And to make things worse, Cole had her ring tone set to something that slightly resembled a banshee being shot repeatedly. Morgan I love ya but I seriously get mad thinking about how many times you used to wake me up...
*** I would kill a baby to be able to go back in time and start over with this chica that I met last weekend.
*** I hate people who are delusional about life. Seriously, you can't sing, why in the nuts did you go on American Idol and then cry when Simon Cowell told you that you licked donkey nuts. You KNEW that was gonna happen you delusional idiot...
*** I wish 8-sided volleyball was a professional sport.
*** I wish that facebook didn't exist.
*** I wish that I could give Kyle Barfield 3 chances to bust out that face that Emily Rose saw when that car rode by so he could do it to unsuspecting people.
*** I wish I could get a full nights sleep because I haven't had one in 2 and a half years.
*** I wish I could give my friends and family whatever they wanted.
*** I wish some girl was willing to love me as much as I am willing to love her.
*** I wish people would stop telling me that I am going to meet someone cause they've been right so farf.
*** I hope that I make my parents proud.
I gotta quit, I have English 3000 homework to do and I have class in 3 and a half hours. Peace peoples.
*** Life is like a pizza. We are all made of the same ingredients and go through the same process, but when we are first created we are handled differently by God and that is what makes us unique. For example, the basic ingredients include dough, tomato sauce, and cheese. The dough is your foundation while the tomato sauce is your heart and the cheese is your physical prowess. Some people get alot of dough and stick to their guns on everything; their foundation is solid and your not gonna break them down or shake them up by any means. Some people, on the other hand, are freakin tomatoey (is that a word?) as nuts. We all know that person that might not be sharpest tool in the shed, but holy balls, if you freakin mess with someone they care about they will quite literaly eat your face if given the oppurtunity. The tomatoey people are the most passionate S.O.B's on the planet and they will be the best friends you could ever ask for. Now cheese on the other hand are those people that wake up everyday and redefine what beauty is. Everyone has seen somebody at least once in their life where your first reaction was, "I will love that person everyday for for the rest of their life if God wills it..." and it just made your heart do this wierd thing in your body where you felt like you wanted to just freakin explode and it took everything inside of you not to kick your legs in the air like a wild stallion in an open field. Yea, those are the cheese people.
Now me, personally, I'm like 64% tomato, 32% dough, and roughly 4% cheese - not alot of razzle dazzle in these shoes but mess with someone I care about and I'll go baboon on your candy ass and end your life. And you might be able to sway me one way or another on a subject, but don't come at me with your opinion if you can't a) back it up b) make an intelligent arguement or c) - and c is huge - if your doing it because someone else is. Oh my God, if one more person tells me their opinion on, say, Micheal Vick being quarterback for the Falcons and the only evidence they have to back it up is because their dad told them so, I am going to smash my guitar over their head WWF 8th grade Jeff Jarrett style and Rikishi bomb their face. Now observe what just happened; my 32% dough and 64% tomato just mixed together to cause a fiery tirad.
Anyways, so all the ingredients are the same. We all might be set up a little different , but basically, we are all rocking the same gear. So we go through life learning who we are and what percentage cheese and dough we are made up of until one day we hit the oven. And let me tell you folks, the oven is a complete douche bag. It might be somebody close to you dying or a situation where you feel like you can't win , but it is gonna come, and it is going to blow Johnny Depp style. This is where we become the pizza or, in essence, who we truly are. All of our dough and cheese and tomato sauce is going to cook together under the heat of the situation and when we come out of that oven, we will be completely different than who we were when we went into it. Now techinically, nothing about has changed. We haven't added or taken away anything that makes up our pizza pie but, for the first time, we aren't 3 separate ingredients but rather one delictable treat. This is because it took everything we had, every ounce of dough and tomato and cheese, to pull through the oven and because we had to rely on all three ingredients instead of just our one dominant trait, we become complete.
Some people are going to hit the oven sooner than others and that is to be expected. Some people might be a pizza in rural Wisconsin and not deal with the oven for a while simply because there isn't alot of demand for pizza when you live in Wisconsin. Me? Shoot nikka, I was a pizza in New York City in Times Square on New Year's Eve in 1999. I got thrown in the oven as soon as I got my percentages down and came out ready to roll. Thing is, as a pizza, you are going to get your crap eaten by this world. I repeat, some fat guy is going to take you, sprinkle cheese on you, fold you up, and percieve to eat you like Roseanne after a 40 day fast. The only thing you can do is hold on to who you are and be cotempt with it. As pizza, you can't really fight your destiny, you just have to learn to accept it and find joy in the fact that your a solid pizza and you are making some fat guy incredibly happy. And in the end, when that fat guy has eaten your last slice and you've gone to heaven in his stomach, you can be proud to say that you were a delicious, nutritous, and freakin baller pizza.
*** I have written 22 songs: 13 about God, 7 about girls, 1 about Cole Britt, and 1 about my dad. I have only finished 8 of them.
*** I have never been in a relationship past two weeks yet I have fallen in love 7 times and the ones I have fallen in love with still do not and will never know that I loved them. 3 times I have gotten the "friend" speech", 2 times I have had some friend complications, and 2 times I screwed things up.
*** I think my dad is the baddest man on the planet.
*** I think my Uncle Richie is probably the second baddest man on the planet.
*** The most intimate relationship I might ever have with another person is Cole Britt.
*** Kyle Barfield is going to change the world.
*** I don't know why but I feel like I haven't had a real conversation with my sister in an abusrdly long time. I feel like for some reason I don't want her to deal with my crap (as well as everyone else I know) so I just kind of listen to what she has to say and then I leave. For the record, I love my sister more than anything else on the planet and I wish I told her that more because she deserves that.
*** Tammy Barfield and Blair Sexton are "adopted" sisters.
*** I have no brothers by blood or last name, but according to feeling and compassion, I have a freaking crew of them. Any guy that was in my graduating class I would gladly, no lie, take a hot bullet to the face for, 50 cent style.
*** James Liipfert saved my life in 8th grade and has continued to do so ever since.
*** WTF am I going to do with an English major...
*** I would love to throw nerve gas into one of the buses on MTV's NEXT.
*** The Goddard brothers should form a boy band.
*** I missed out on about 30 minutes of my senior prom because I hid in the bathroom thinking that everyone was going to make me dance to "Bye Bye Bye".
*** My dog Bella is sssooooooooooooooo old.
*** I think I was a complete homosexual loser my 7th grade year at Feagin Mill.
*** I am pissed that I just met Ben Erwin my last two years of college. That joker is so baller.
*** I wish that I saw Terry Mosteller, Don Walker, and Meyur Vashi more.
*** I wonder if Mike is still the physical trainer at Westfield; man he was such a dick sometimes.
*** I wonder if Teresa Bruce's son is a track star yet.
*** Time is gay. It lets you have the best time of your life but then you can only think back on them because time is a dick and it won't let you go back.
*** When did Saturday Night Live start to suck enormous balls?
*** I wonder if Eddie will make a note referring to this note as the longest note ever.
*** The most annoyed that I have ever been was when Cole Britt dated Morgan Irby and she used to call him at 4:30 AM and ask him what he was doing. WTF Morgan, what do you think he was doing? Shaving? And to make things worse, Cole had her ring tone set to something that slightly resembled a banshee being shot repeatedly. Morgan I love ya but I seriously get mad thinking about how many times you used to wake me up...
*** I would kill a baby to be able to go back in time and start over with this chica that I met last weekend.
*** I hate people who are delusional about life. Seriously, you can't sing, why in the nuts did you go on American Idol and then cry when Simon Cowell told you that you licked donkey nuts. You KNEW that was gonna happen you delusional idiot...
*** I wish 8-sided volleyball was a professional sport.
*** I wish that facebook didn't exist.
*** I wish that I could give Kyle Barfield 3 chances to bust out that face that Emily Rose saw when that car rode by so he could do it to unsuspecting people.
*** I wish I could get a full nights sleep because I haven't had one in 2 and a half years.
*** I wish I could give my friends and family whatever they wanted.
*** I wish some girl was willing to love me as much as I am willing to love her.
*** I wish people would stop telling me that I am going to meet someone cause they've been right so farf.
*** I hope that I make my parents proud.
I gotta quit, I have English 3000 homework to do and I have class in 3 and a half hours. Peace peoples.